PS. called the WT to see if serum albumin is permissable and they first didnt wish to give an outright answer even though i explained the hospital already put her on a bag of it. No other JW knew this despite daily visits to her. NEGLIGENT. I did tell mom isnt that thatits come around full circle form the days Yvonne said Tootsie-Rolls have blood in them under the name of albumen. And then another JW said it is in eggs too and that blood would be too expensive for tootsie-rolls. About 10 (?) at a movie theatre mom gave me money for candy, and i thought very hard on those words and decided the sister was right about expence because seemed things like wine or other things had blood that were never cheap enough for me a kid to buy. Well quick-short-point we got home and mom put welts on me that lasted 2 days with a leather belt in one hand and reading her NWT in the other that you must abstain from blood (albumin). Its not funny how its come full-circle and no one whips her to death with a JW Bible because four negligent sigantures have done NOTHING to see what products she gets that could mar her conscience. Oh by the way, my gay brother whose had his ass poked by hos lover for 35 years and at 60 was given a blood-transfusion by the hubby's signed consent can be talked to by JWs because he has never been disfellowshipped. So this is not about faithful discreet slave, but its about rotten corrupt people who pretend that under the wing of that slave they are protected as a whole even when behaving disgracefully as reps of jehovah. BUT know this that Jesus sinned ONCE and repented that sin. Remember king David guilty in Nathans story? hmm lets see king David killed Nathan? disfellowshipped him? found where the story doesnt fit? well here is a WT story from me Nathan. The WT will disfellowship a man who serves alcohol if he doesnt know someone got drunk at his party and then commits bad on the way home. In this case, when disciples cut off the ears of soldiers with their weapons, then the party-host Jesus is also legally guilty by law (and also spiritually guilty by faithful discreet slave actions in the story presented) of the severed ear by his gang. BUT THAT SIN WAS REPENTED OR UN-DONE. It was healed because it had to be healed or perfection in Jesus was lost. Where do you see todays JWs healing or correcting committed sins, but rather they say the story does not apply, and they wash the sin with their own hands saying it is Jesus' hands doing the washing. VERDICT? FAITHFUL DISCREET SLAVE GUILTY unless they themselves do as Jesus does.... dies for the sins their disciples commit. So you see, i am not one to whip my mother literally for the albumin that i feet is a disgust and shame that she and JWs allowed her to have without even fore-thought to the decision. What do you want from an org who ignpres the Bible and Moses saying that Jacob found disgust in his murderous sons (not in Dinah), and the org chooses to say it was Dinah not the sons.
What do you want from an org that cannot distinguish that the scripture that says the woman of fornication (and must be cut off) is someone engaged to another man (not someone single who must then marry that man); but instead they teach and defy Bible by saying that a woman who has sex with her own fiance is a fornication. YES Jesus spoke of all people when he said your door-to-door preaching can and does being in people to make them permanent destinations to Gehennna. YES Paul did NOT say individuals can be lopped off of the kingdom tree as individual Jews were, RATHER he said the whole Christian tree can be lopped off as a WHOLE as the Jews were lopped off as a WHOLE. There is no Jew accept thru Jesus, and the whole can be lopped off again... not as individual disfellowshipped people. An example is the recent threat i mailed to the WT stating Mordecai's words to Esther, this is what you must do or Jehovah will find another, and you will be eliminated then. But instead they published that Esther took some good advice from Mordecai. Oh that was advice huh? The queen is starting to look like Vashti instead of Esther and maybe that is why they have returned to sleeping virgins Christendom in so many end-time atitudes unclduing the hour that has arrived and they sday no it hasnt, we cannot know.